
Review on Coral Reef Bleaching

Review on Coral Reef Bleaching

Par Martin Pecheux

Thème : Essai / Etude autres

Date de publication : 16/08/2013

This Review of 1998 is still very valuable. It was accepted by Atoll Research Bulletin. It makes a complete overview of the phenomenon of Coral Reef Mass Bleaching. It examines all data of in situ observations and possible causes, and all relevant bio-physiological experimental and theoritical knowledges. At end the CO2 hypothesis is made. Five original works are given in annexes.
  • Grand Format (170x240)
  • 292 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332576224
27,50 €
12,99 €

Martin Pecheux


Martin Pecheux

PhD of micropaleontology in 1984, the author worked thereafter in petroleum industry, then as computer system engineer. At the Basel Geological Institut 1997-1990, he studied living larger foraminifera. He was then two years in the Observatoire Océanologique of Monaco, where most part of this review was written, working on Coral Bleaching and CO2 rise. After he collaborates with the Department of Bioenergetic of Genève University. Since 2003, he works at the Institut des Foraminifères Symbiotiques, being also handicapped adult for episodic schizophrenia.

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