
Liberia, guiltless nation, innocent people

Liberia, guiltless nation, innocent people

Par Gbawa Mamadi Camara

Thème : Roman historique

Date de publication : 11/01/2021

Liberia remains today one of the poorest of the world. Given the huge potentialities this country has been dotted with, Liberians deserve living decent life, having decent homes, eating decent and healthier food while receiving better quality education and decent treatment in all aspects of their livelihood.

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 62 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414506644
11,00 €
4,99 €

Gbawa Mamadi Camara


Gbawa Mamadi Camara

Born in the year 1951, the author completed school in the seventies and, in 1980, he benefited from a study program with a Washington based Development Alternatives Organization under the auspices of the World Bank, the study was axed on a specialization curriculum in Monitoring and Evaluation, focusing on Social Statistics and rural population needs assessment. He will afterward work for an integrated rural development project as Monitoring and Evaluation Officer during some thirteen years before joining the United Nations Organization for fifteen years. He retired in 2012 after working in many countries and since then, has been writing in the domain of social critiques.  

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